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What is a Virtual Business Organizer?

GREAT QUESTION! I believe as a Virtual Business Organizer, it is my job to help business owners streamline and simplify the programs and systems that are being used so they can get back to doing what they do best! I look at what systems and programs you are currently using, identify which ones are working for you, and assist you in letting go of the ones that are not. Once we know what works, I help you get your programs and systems set up and/or organized so you aren't “reinventing the wheel”. In short, I help you be more productive and efficient in your business by letting you focus on what you do best and letting me do the rest!

How do I know if this is what my business really needs?

Do you spend hours searching through documents, emails, and notes to write an invoice, send a document to be signed, or work on a client project?  


Do you cringe every month you get billed for that program you set up that you’re sure is going to be great once you start using it...but just haven’t had the time to figure it out?


Do you constantly find yourself doing double work in multiple programs because you use certain features in each one and just wish you could find something more comprehensive or streamlined to save time and money?


If your answer is yes to one or more of these, this is what your business needs!

What types of businesses do you help?

I help all sorts of businesses get organized and tend to best fit the needs of small businesses starting out or growing.

If this sounds like you, I look forward to learning about your business and helping you achieve your goals!

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